Happy Mother's Day weekend, friends.
We are having a really special Mother's Day here in Happily Ever Johnson Land.
On Thursday, G-Bear's Kinder class performed a Mother's Day Paraliturgy Program.
The moms were the honored guests of the program.
We each had a special seat, decorated with personalized pictures.
My portrait, by G-Bear |
Our children were the stars.
The kids marched in singing "You are My Sunshine," carrying sunshines for Mom.
By the end, there were very few dry eyes in the performance hall.
I am one blessed Momma.
This weekend, we are blessed to have Nana with us.
Nana has four children, and now, thanks to the birth of J-Bear and her new cousin, she is grandmother of twelve.
Nana with G-Bear after her program. |
This weekend, we are blessed to be with MoMo, who is home from Mayo and our inspiration.
GrandMo and J-Bear |
To celebrate these amazing women in Mother's Day grandeur, our kids made daffodil leis.
MoMo's daffodil lei from the Bears. |
The Bears have made me feel really special too.
In G-Bear's program, each child got a chance to tell their mom something she appreciated about her.
Each response was so special, but, of course, G-Bear's comment was the most special to me (I know I am biased):
"My Mom is the sunshine of my life because she reads the best stories."
Six years ago, G-Bear made me a Momma.
She continues to be a blessing my life each and everyday.
My present from G-Bear |
E-Bear wowed me with a special present as well.
Can you believe that he and G-Bear both gave me the same compliment in their gifts?
Do you think they planned it?
I am glad my Bears seem to love our daily story time as much as I do :)
E-Bear came running out of preschool with a big smile on his face as he presented me with his gift. The lovely purple and white pansy keeps me company in the kitchen.
It is a perfect symbol of the joy E-Bear brings to my daily life.
My present from E-Bear |
Becoming a mother four times over has been an incredible, miraculous experience that has blessed my life in unimaginable ways. The blessing of mothering my children is beyond anything that can be celebrated in a single day. But, I definitely have some teachers to thank for all the effort they put into helping my children make my Mother's Day so special!
To MoMo and Nana, GG, and our beloved GG Isabel in heaven, we love you. You are irreplaceable, to you we owe thanksgiving for our lives and so much in them, you are inspiration for our journey. Thank you for teaching me daily how to be a better Mother. Jesus, thank you for giving us Your own mother as an example for us for all time.
Thank you, Lord, for the mothers in our lives.