
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grocery Bag

For all of Advent and our Christmas holiday, I took a break from our Grocery Bag meal planning.  I enjoyed a little extra free time on the weekend (put to good use!) and relied on our meal plans from weeks past to help us stay on track for both grocery shopping and dinner.  But, it is a new year, the holiday season is giving way to January realities, and it is time to plan anew!  So, welcome to our first Grocery Bag of 2013.

Cooking in the New Year can be challenging.  No one wants to come off the high of holiday food to bland, boring fare.  Even with global fruits and vegetables, the produce department can be uninspiring at times in January.  The seasonal citrus fruits & pears, brussels sprouts, winter squash and winter greens are worth our time.  Don't the forget beans and lentils!  They can be a great change of pace for meat in soups or long-simmering dishes.

Day One
Tortellini with lemon and brussels sprouts from Everyday Food Magazine
with homemade bread
Photo and recipe from

Day Two
Slow cooker garlic chicken with couscous from Everyday Food Magazine
with lemon vinaigrette green beans from Fine Cooking Magazine
Photo and recipe from

Day Three
Steak au poivre with roasted potatoes and carrots from Everyday Food Magazine
with steamed cauliflower
Photo and recipe from

Day Four
with basmati rice and mixed green salad
Photo and recipe from

Day Five
with homemade rolls and steamed peas
Photo and recipe from

Blessings on your kitchen this week.

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