On the first day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
One grateful, joyful family!
Merry Christmas from all of us in Happily Ever Johnson Land! Did you know that today is the twelfth day of Christmas? Around here, we'll be hanging onto our Christmas celebration until this weekend, when we commemorate the Presentation of the Lord. We have to make up for all the Christmas candy we put off during Advent, after all. We have had a wonderful holiday. Here are our twelve days in twelve snapshots from our Christmas celebrations.
On the second day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Two tenderloins,
Aunt Linda's grapefruit pomegranate salad. |
and one grateful, joyful family!
MoMo and Papa hosted our family Christmas Eve celebration again this year, as per tradition. They welcomed nearly thirty of us into their home and the meal was spectacular: TWO beef tenderloins, roasted veggies, grapefruit pomegranate salad, cheesy potatoes, and homemade egg nog and desserts. We look forward to the joy-filled family time together, the laughter, and of course, the Christmas feast, all year long.
On the third day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Three red sleds,
two tenderloins
and one grateful, joyful family!
After a month of snow during November, all our white melted away two weeks before Christmas. While we had a brown Christmas for the first time in years, we woke up the next morning to a fresh blanket of snow! Four inches of powder waited for us on MoMo and Papa's hill. I remember sledding down their hill for years as a child. It was great to see our kids and their cousins loving their rides on the sleds. The powder was flying for hours. Afterwards? Aunt K treated all the kids to hot cocoa. What a Christmas treat!
On the fourth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
Our Christmas morning began early, despite our late night Christmas Eve revelry. But rise early on Christmas we must, as the cheer must not be delayed. There are many family celebrations to attend! Before we headed out to bring good tidings to all, we assembled on the stairs to descend into our living room to briefly unveil surprises of the stocking variety. Once descended, we found that our stockings were indeed stuffed, and the kids were each delighted to find a Christmas surprise for which they had wished. G-Bear received Anna and Elsa dolls as well as Molly the American Doll and her books (an impressive delivery, might I add, as I had been informed that Molly dolls were "retired."). The boys received remote control cars, a Lego or Duplo set, and a Playmobile set each. J-Bear received a new soft doll and a diaper bag and doll carrier for her beloved baby doll. And there was great rejoicing.
On the fifth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
We were tremendously blessed to have the Boston cousins visiting MoMo and Papa for Christmas. This year, our cousin Christmas celebrations included something new -- a separate picnic table eating locale for the "big kids." A birthday gift from Nana last year, our picnic table could thankfully be folded up, put away and brought back out at will for Nativity noshing. The only problem? The littlest cousins coveted a place at the picnic. We'll surely need a bigger kids table next year.
On the sixth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
Thanks to our wonderful Christmas cookie baking day with Miss Sara, our neighbor, we had trays and treats to share during Christmas. Cornflake wreaths, peanut butter kiss cookies, gingerbread and sugar cookies were delightful to behold and even more delectable to eat.
We've eaten lots of cookies. Thank goodness we got toothbrushes in our stockings. |
On the seventh day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Seven cousins swimming,
Thanks to YaYa and GP for showering us and hosting us for so much fun. |
Six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
YaYa and GP were with us once again for Christmas this year. What a blessing it was to have another set of loving grandparents along for the ride. Always hospitable, they invited all the cousins over to swim in the pool of their hotel. The balmy temperatures of the pool and hot tub melted our holiday hustle away. Only seven of the eight really swam, however. Buddy Bear protested the chilly pool temperature and opted for the hot tub instead :)
On the eighth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Eight cousins smiling,
Seven cousins swimming,
Six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
Check out the smiles on that couch. Each one represents pure, unadulterated Christmas joy. The cousins had a truly wonderful time together over Christmas break. We are so thankful to Uncle T and Aunt K for their heroic, sacrificial efforts to travel over Christmas so that our crews can spend holiday time together.
On the ninth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Nine toys sets assembling,
eight cousins smiling,
seven cousins swimming,
six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
Once the wrapping paper shreds and ribbon shrapnel had settled, there were quite a few fantastic new toys for the cousins to enjoy together. Whether placing stickers on a Playmobil zoo set or ranger truck, opening a Lego set, or permitting an art project, I was impressed, first of all, by the fact that we have completely settled into the stage of assembly-required toys and, second of all, by how little assembly was required of T and me. Our kids took to the assembly of their gifts like honey bees to comb. Many mornings during Christmas break, I would awaken to the sounds of the kids in their room, awake and having already assembled another one of their toys. As I rolled over to catch another brief wink, I noted the blessing of children willing to tackle the challenge, share the project, and give us the grace of an extra half-hour of sleep.
On the tenth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Ten forks fonduing,
nine toy sets assembling,
eight cousins smiling,
seven cousins swimming,
six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
The weekend after Christmas, the adults took an evening to toast the fruitful, joyful holiday over fondue at
The Melting Pot. The guest listed included Aunt K and Uncle T, Uncle C and his finance, Miss K, YaYa and GP and MoMo and Papa. T and I felt so fortunate to be included, and so blessed to have a family full of people we so deeply love and admire.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Eleven songs a playing,
ten forks fonduing,
nine toy sets assembling
eight cousins smiling,
seven cousins swimming,
six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
This Christmas season, songs and carols played a central role in our preparations and celebrations. Just before Christmas, we enjoyed G-Bear's second grade music performance. Throughout Advent, we enjoyed carols from the piano as G-Bear practiced her lesson material. By Christmas, she had quite a repertoire. We've listened to the Classical Christmas station on Pandora around the house for weeks now (its fantastic, so much better than the radio). The kids' favorite car-ride songs of the season included selections from Straight No Chaser and the Barenaked Ladies holiday album. I love the fact that my kids don't need the song sheets to sing along with the Christmas songs at church, and that they seem to enjoy a good rendition of "Mr. Grinch" and "O Hanukkah" as much as I do.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, we were as thankful as can be:
Twelve skates a skating,
eleven songs a singing
ten forks fonduing,
nine toy sets assembling
eight cousins smiling,
seven cousins swimming,
six types of cookies,
five picnic plates!
Four on the steps,
three red sleds,
two tenderloins,
and one grateful, joyful family!
Thank goodness for Play it Again Sports, our local used sports equipment retail store, where we were able to outfit our entire family with ice skates shortly after Christmas. I estimated that we paid slightly more for all of our skates than we would have paid for one new pair. We rang in the new year at our neighborhood rink, sufficiently refrozen after the December thaw. I am hoping that the new year will bring many afternoons at the rink! Skating was great exercise and was (for the most part) enjoyed by everyone. We're learning, improving, slowly but surely.
What a Christmas! We are thankful for each and every family member and friend who brought joy to our Christmas in innumerable ways. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Happily Ever,
Queen B