While we were on our family cross-country road trip this summer, G-Bear confided to me that she wished for a day just with me -- a Girls Day Out. I told her that I would love that too and asked her to make a list of things that she would like to do together. I'll treasure the list for a long time to come.
Together, we planned our day, and finally, just before school started, we were able to make it a reality. Miss M, our awesome babysitter, came over to play with J-Bear and the boys. Then I got to sneak out with this lovely lady:
G-Bear braided our hair for the occasion, and we both wore our pearls and pink dresses.
We had a bag of goodies with us for our day together.
We were ready.
Our first stop was the Barnes & Noble in Mall of America. G-Bear had said she wanted to read books together, so we headed straight for the kids' section. We sat there reading and perusing books for an hour and a half. What a wonderful luxury! What a treat that we both love books so much! There were so many good books that we didn't even have time to look at all of our interests, so we made a promise to make a list of favorites and return sometime soon.
Pretty soon, our tummies were rumbling, which was perfect because I admitted to G-Bear that I had made reservations for lunch. She was surprised, amazed and full of smiles when we walked into the American Girls store and I told her we were having lunch there. What an unbelievable treat! Now G-Bear understood why I had suggested that we bring our American Girl dolls along. G-Bear had dressed Molly and Samantha to the nines for the occasion.
We had time to peruse the store together right before being seated for our reservation. We giggled and bounced from display to display. I loved seeing which ones she liked the best. Then, who should meet us for our table? Why, MoMo of course!

It was so fitting that MoMo could join us for many reasons. MoMo loved the original American Girls when they were still made by Pleasant Company way back when I was little. There wasn't an American Girl store in Minnesota when I was young, so we never got to go to an American Girl store together. But, MoMo pioneered the whole idea of a Mom-And-Me-Day for me when I was young, and as with all things, MoMo taught me well. I have amazing, awe-inspiring memories of Mom and Me Days with MoMo at ValleyFair, eating mini doughnuts, getting sick on french silk pie, watching IMAX movies and eating lunch together during the show at the Red Saloon. It is largely because of my wonderful memories with MoMo that I was so excited to make similar memories with G-Bear. So, of course, MoMo had to be invited to lunch.
The American Girl Bistro is a wonderful treat. The restaurant is full of details that make the experience special. For instance, each place setting napkin was folded with a ribbon that was actually a hair tie and ours to keep. Our table also boasted a cute pink box filled with thoughtful questions to ask each other to foster conversation during lunch.
The dolls were give seats of honor at the table in their very own highchair. Should a guest forget to bring a doll, there are borrow dolls at the front desk ready to dine with you. Samantha and Molly each received a cup and plate for their meal that they were allowed to take home, just another fun momento from the meal. Our table also boasted a cute pink box filled with thoughtful questions to ask each other to foster conversation during lunch.
For all the special details, lunch was really very reasonably priced. For fifteen dollars per person, we each got to choose an appetizer and a main course. My appetizer was the fruit and yogurt plate, complete with mini muffins and a daisy hair accessory. MoMo had the soup and G-Bear chose the soft pretzel bites. For lunch, I had a delicious salad, MoMo had a lovely club sandwich and G-Bear choose a yummy pasta dish. We were all impressed with our meals.
We did have one stowaway, but Blue Bear was very good. He slept most of the time in the sling and only woke up long enough to eat, burp and look around. G-Bear gave him an exemption to attend the girls' day because he is so little.
G-Bear choose a root beer float from the extensive and impressive dessert menu and drank the whole thing like a champ. Then it was time for us to say good-bye to MoMo for the afternoon. We had a wonderful time all together.
I saved my treat -- an afternoon coffee-- so that G-Bear and I could head to a coffee shop to finish off our afternoon. We still had to paint nails and make friendship bracelets, and we were running out of time! So, over my latte, we taught ourselves how to weave with G-Bear's friendship bracelet kit. It was easier than I thought and G-Bear declared that it was her new favorite thing to do, "almost like sewing!"
When we ran out of time at the coffee shop, I promised that we would paint nails later that night because the boys were going to be away. After we tucked J-Bear in bed, that is just what we did. We got out our Migi nail pens and I painted blue and pink flowers for G-Bear and then taught her how to paint my nails with polish too. It didn't take her long to figure it out.

We agreed that this had been a tremendously special day. I thanked G-Bear for making me a mom. I told her how blessed I felt to be able to spend a whole day with a wonderful eight year old like her. If it weren't for G-Bear, I wouldn't get to spend a day giggling, holding hands, making friendship bracelets, painting nails and reading books on the floor of the bookstore. I wouldn't be enjoying lunch at American Girl with MoMo and a darling girl who loves to read the conversation questions. G-Bear is a tremendous friend and daughter, and my life is rich and full because of the energetic, enthusiastic, creative and eager girl that she is. I am so thankful to enjoy so many of the things that she loves, and I love sharing in every moment with her.
"Mom, I can't wait for our next Girls Day Out," said G-Bear at the end of the day.
Me either, sweetie.
Happily Ever,
Queen B