
Friday, March 29, 2013

Images from our Good Friday

Our covered cross, cup from last night, red candle and "crown of thorns" made by the kids.

We finished our Stations of the Cross eggs tonight.  The kids have loved doing this evening activity with T and me for the past week.   It has been a wonderful way to introduce them to the Way of the Cross.

 G-Bear's plate at the end of the evening:  Poor thing has a stomach bug, was able to eat her noodles but couldn't finish her hot cross bun, even though she wanted to.  Talk about walking with Jesus on this Good Friday!  What a reminder that Easter preparations go on in the midst of real life.

The kids' Lent calendar, along with their bean basket:  They have worked so hard to add beans to their basket this season, offering to help clean up, assist each other, or follow instructions with greater attention.  We always hope for lots of jellybeans in place of the black beans on Easter morning, which as you can see from the calendar, is only one day away!

May God bless us all on this Good Friday.

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