
Friday, May 4, 2012

Buddy on a Bike

Times have changed,

T at 13 months with his family at Hilton Head.

but many things remain the same. 

Like Daddy, like Buddy.

Buddy Bear at 12 months, my buddy on the bike.

Happily Ever,
Queen B

1 comment:

  1. I showed S the older picture and told her who everyone was. She bought into "this is mommy" and "this is Uncle L", but told me I was wrong about everyone else. "That grown up is Uncle T, and that baby is G!" she said. Can't fault her...the resemblance is there! Though I have never seen my brother in sunglasses and shorts like that! (And never saw Dee in them past 1982!) Glad y'all are having fun; Sea Pines is awesome.
