
Friday, April 16, 2010

You know you are a mom and a med student when...

...You wake up, begin your day and don't realize it's your BIRTHDAY until you check email.  Thank goodness for facebook friends--you all are keeping me in the loop ;)

Don't worry, T is on call, or he would have been there to remind me. 

Maybe I can blame it on my age :)

Happily Ever,
Queen B


  1. Here's hoping your birthday showed up, just like G-Bear's did!

    We love you, Queen B. Happy Birthday!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! While I am commenting I should also add that I LOVE reading your blog, its so fun to get to hear about the kids and I am continually blessed by your insights to the Lord. Lots of love from me and Tony!
    Julie D'Amico
